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Student Employment Positions

MCO Studio Assistant – Media and Communication

The educational mission of Studio 148 is to advance students’ multimedia skills, including recording audio and visual projects such as ads, podcasts, interviews, photographs, green screen, and video and the Studio Assistant will be vital in making this happen. The Media and Communication courses listed below integrate use of the Studio into their curriculum:

  • MCO 235 Multimedia Storytelling
  • MCO 250 Engaging Audiences
  • MCO 421 Copywriting for Digital Advocacy
  • MCO 450 Public Relations Writing II

The following MCO student organizations use Studio 148 for some of their activities, including Career Building Day:

  • PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America)
  • The Salem State Log

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Report to the Media and Communication Technologist
  • Manage Open Studio Hours and conduct equipment training upon request
  • Receive training on audio and visual recording equipment and self train when appropriate
  • Oversee loaning of microphones, grip mounts, lights, and tripods
  • Respond to and coordinate communications about Studio use as needed
  • Create multimedia or PDF files that highlight Studio projects or serve as training tools
  • Initiate and manage social media to publicize the Studio and its activities where appropriate (example: Studio 148 IG)

Minimum Qualifications

Must be an MCO Major - preferably a Junior or Senior.




Danielle Crogan | 978.542.6712

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