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Student Employment Positions

Peer Mentor for CIS students – McKeown School of Education

The CIS Program at Salem State University (SSU) is a fully inclusive postsecondary program for young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Students in the CIS program share the same experiences as their college peers in academics, socialization, professional development, and independent living. Importantly, they are not just passive participants, but actively engaged in creating and living their lives, which empowers them and enhances their sense of self-worth. Our program honors dignity and worth and fosters self-determination. Our vision is for full inclusion to be a permanent fixture of the institutional fabric for all stakeholders at SSU.

CIS students are paired with Peer Mentors who are current, full-time undergraduate students at Salem State University. These mentors provide a strong support system for CIS students, helping them assimilate to college life, introducing them to friends, exploring campus, and encouraging involvement in SSU clubs and activities. By spending time with SSU Peer Mentors, CIS students develop friendships and feel socially connected to SSU student life, creating a secure and nurturing environment. Peer Mentors may be able to work with the Inclusive Residence Life program. This year, CIS will have students residing in the dorms. Peer mentors will be paid $15.00 per hour for two to four hours per week.

Duties and Responsibilities

Spend a minimum of one hour a week with Mentee.
• Attend SSU activities/events with Mentee.
• Help mentees become familiar with university resources (i.e., SSU library, AAC, Wellness Center, Career Services, etc.)
• Serve as a role model, exhibiting enthusiasm, motivation, and involvement.
• Exercise good judgment in representing the university and upholding the SSU Student Code of Conduct
• Model appropriate social skills and behavior
• Support and encourage mentees in their development of independent living skills.
• Attend and participate in scheduled orientation and training.
• Participate in other CIS activities and events as opportunities arise.
• Maintain timely and consistent correspondence with Mentee.
• Maintain timely and consistent correspondence with supervisor.
• Submit weekly peer mentor activity logs to supervisor.

Minimum Qualifications

Undergraduate or Graduate Salem State University student.


  • No additional training required

  • Please email your resume to Rachel Connary at




Rachel Connary | 978.542.5077

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